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The Official ABBA Fan Club has been around for over 30 years by now, and membership is more popular than ever before, so why miss out on all the exclusive stuff that members are getting?

Membership includes:

Annual membership fees (4 magazines)

the NetherlandsEUR 20.00--
Outside the NetherlandsEUR 25.00GBP 25.00USD 44.00

To become a member, fill in the form below.
If you are not entirely sure you want to become a member, you can buy a back issue or a sample issue of the magazine.

Joining the International ABBA Fan Club

Yes, I would like to join The Official International ABBA Fan Club.


To prove you are a human being, please put the answer in the box below:
7+2= * 

Currency choice (only for outside the Netherlands):
I will pay in Euros
I will pay in GBP
I will pay in USD

You can pay for more than just one year in advance, which potentially saves you money if the membership fees go up, and you do not have to worry about renewing on time for quite a while.
I wish to pay for:

I will use the following method of payment (explanation):

Please note that no other type of payment can be accepted.

I will receive both my membership card and magazine after my payment has been received by the fan club.

Comments and/or questions:

Your personal details are safe with us and will only use them for the purpose of sending out the magazine, newsletters or important offers/updates. We will never share any information with third parties and details will be removed from our system after a while when no longer being a member. Privacy Policy (0.3 MB).