moving pen

I got something: submit advertisement

This is a service for members of the Official ABBA Fan Club only.
Please note that "I Got Something" is not available for commercial advertisements.

All ads will be published on a first-come, first-served basis.
If your ad does not make it into the next issue of the magazine due to space limitations, it will automatically be carried forward to the following issue.

Please note: The Official International ABBA Fan Club cannot be held responsible for any transactions that take place as a result of members using the "I Got Something" service.

To submit an advertisement, we kindly ask you to complete the following form. Although we are asking for your address and email address, you can state what contact details you would like to go into your ad.

Membership number
Post code

Please tick:
I only want my email address attached to my ad.
I only want my home address attached to my ad.
Please attach both my email and home address.

My ad reads as follows:

To proove you're not machine, put the answer in the box below:
7+3= *